Original BL

Original BL
To access the work here, you have to have a LiveJournal account and be a mutual friend.
To become a mutual friend, you must be a loyal reviewer for the fanfiction which I write.

Hunted Desire
This is a small short story which I wrote after researching some printed novellas by Amber Kell. I have become a fan of her Moon Pack series, and so I wrote a short with my own original characters. This is only the rough, un-edited version.

This is has adult content and you should be over 18 years of age to read.

This link has been closed because I've sent this to the publishers.

Christmas Gift
This is a short plotless story which I wrote when I feeling little festive over December. Its a short cute snippet of Christmas Eve between two lovers after they've decorated the Christmas Tree.

This is has adult content and you should be over 18 years of age to read.

Please click on the link to read at LJ