Friday 21 October 2011

Selling his Soul

Rousing from his slumber, Riki peaked out from under the covers, squinting at the bright sunshine which filled the room. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the bightness of the room, he looked around the room slowly, checking to see if his blondie master was still in the area. Noting that the powerful master was gone, Riki groaned and stretched out his stiff body, hearing the loud pops as his bones cracked against one another.

"Oww" glancing at his sides, he could see two faint bruises, formed by Iason as he held Riki down during their sex rampant, "fucker doesn't hold back..."

After a quick investigation of his body which resulted in him finding love bites all over his neck and chest, another couple of bruises on his arms and on his overused backside, Riki felt that he would be able to move just enough to the bathroom, to get a hot soak.


As soon as he shouted the Furniture's name, the young boy appeared, carrying a glass of water, "Yes, Riki?" He passed the drink to the pet.

"Could you sort out the bath for me. I don't think I have that much strength to even wait for the tub to fill." Riki grinned before drinking the water, which to his surprised was very sweet, yet bitter flavoured.

The little Furniture bowed, happy that Riki seemed fascinated by the new drink, and went to prepare the bath tub, "It's the new flavour that they've made from a fruit from some far away planet," he called from over his shoulder, "Its called strawberry."

Watching Xia go, Riki stopped grinning, and sniffed the glass, "Smells strange, but what the heck!" and he downed the rest of the strange tasting liquid. Feeling slightly more refreshed, he then decided to try to get out of bed, testing his muscles before trying anything too much, especially in his weakened state.

"Fuck, Iason! When are ever going to hold back, one of these days you might actually kill me!" Riki moaned as he finally got himself standing, although he was swaying slightly.

As he looked up from the floor, Riki then caught sight of his reflection in the mirror; a handsome, bronze skinned man with pitch black hair stared back at him. But instead of seeing the usual fire and defience in the dark eyes, Riki only saw a broken spirit, chained down with cold iron.

Yeah, there's no way that dream will ever happen, Riki sighed, realising what a pet he was.


Iason stared boredly at the ambassadors of other worlds, as they all discussed the new trading rule which had been added by Jupiter. Or rather than discussed this, they were arguing over it.

Jupiter had increased the taxations on the exports and imports of weapons from all planets, in a bid to decrease fire arms traffiking, which seemed to Iason to be a cover up for something more. But as it was his mother who had implemented this new rule, it was not in Iason's power to investigate why the rule was now in affect. Something that these ambassadors failed to notice, as they voiced their grievences to the Blondie leader.

As the quarrels continued, Iason began to reflect on his little pet's behaviour the night before. It was rare to see such open agression from Riki, now that Riki had given his life to the blondie, by entering Dana Bahn to return to his master's side. By doing so, Riki had given up being the free mongrel which he prided in being, and accepted the life of being Iason Mink's pet.

Since coming out of the healing chamber, Riki had been subdued and obedient, being a perfect pet, as he was trained to be. He no longer attacked Iason verbally or physically, instead patiently being the quiet exotic pet which many off-world ambassadors and tradesment expected of him.

So his little temper tantrum, despite lasting for only a few minutes, was a surprise to the elite. A surprise which made Iason feel excited by just remembering that fire in those black eyes. It had been too long since Iason had seen his old pet, his pet which fought tooth and nail against the blondie, insulting and offending everyone in his path, showing his charimatic appeal to chase off unwanted attention.

Thinking of his pet before Dana Bahn made Iason sigh heavily, which silenced the arguing humans before him.

"You're Excellency. Have you come to a conclusion?"

"Why has this new law been..."

Iason raised his hand, halting the flow of conversation from the human, "Jupiter had implemented this new law, and I have no power to go against her. Unless there is someone amongst you who has no fear and is willing to..." there was a silence so quiet that the void of space could not have been any more silent,Iason smiled, "I thought so. Now if you'll excuse me."

Iason rose, and at the same time, the humans rose with him, bowing to show their respects. Ignoring them, Iason boldly strode out of the conference room. And as he did so, he almost collided with Raoul Am.

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