Tuesday 13 September 2011

Dreams are just "dreams"

Riki scowled, looking across the view from the penthouse. It was only a week ago that he had that dream. That forever strange dream in which he had killed Iason. How strange for him to imgaine such a thing, especially since he was a pet, unable to go against what his master orders, let alone even comprehend thinking about killing him.

Of course, killing the Blondie would mean his freedom from pet-hood, but would also doom him to death by her. She would never allow a lowly mongrel like himself to live after killing one of her most precious children. Riki shivered at the thought.

"Cold are you, my pet?"

Riki froze, the very person he had dreamed about had appeared. Iason, the great blondie leader who ruled all of Tangura.

"No." Riki snapped in anger, disgusing his fear whilst looking across Midas, trying to see his old forgotten home, Ceres.

Iason approched his little pet, reaching out to stroke the short dark black hair, "Well, some inside, it is cold tonight."

Rki turned to face his Blondie master. Of course the most powerful Blondie had that look on. The only face which no one else ever saw except for Riki and the furniture. Desire was etched into his face, along with a need to possess. Ice cold blue eyes, hungerily watching Riki's every move.


"Since you asked," The Blondie smirked, wrapping his arms around the slim waist of his pet, "Let's go inside and do so." Burying his face into Rik's neck, kissing and sucking on the sensitive spot on Riki's neck.

Having Iason already wanting him, Riki forced back a rebellious reaction to push his master away, knowing that Iason would have his way whether Riki liked it or not. Moaning against the sensation he was feeling, Riki gripped his Blondie, as Iason moved up his neck and to his mouth, taking him forcefully, fingers gliding over his skin underneath his shirt.

After the incident at Dana Bahn, Iason had become more protective and possessive of Riki, making sure to check on his pet every so often, not even letting his pet leave Eos, let alone the apartment.

"Iason," Rki panted against his master's lips, "please..."

Smirking still, Iason reached for his pet's bulge, feeling it strain against his palm, "Excited are we, my pet?"

Riki snarled at Iason's slow pace, which was done to torture him into begging to his master, like one of those damn pets. The stupid pet ring had been replaced by a ring on his finger, but his well trained body still reacted to Iason's touch, knowing what was expected, despite how much Riki didn't want it.

Knowing this, Iason pulled his pet indoors from the balcony, leading him into the bedroom. Xia was setting the table for the evening, and watched in silent accpetance of his master's action. Afterall, who would defy this Blondie who kept a mongeral pet against Jupiters orders.

Crying out, when Iason quite literally tossed him onto the bed, Riki went to ease himself, but was stopped by Iason's masterful hands, which pushed him onto his back, hands restrained above his head.

"Fuck, Iason..." Rki half growled and groaned, as his master began to skillfully remove his clothes without removing his left hand from Riki's wrists.

Looking at his naked and aroused, pet, Iason fell into one of his bad habits of just staring and taking in his beautiful pet's bronze body. His eyes literally eating him. Riki squirmed against Iason's scrutinizing gaze, trying to turn away from that hungery passion that was flooding from his master's body.

"Steady, my pet," Iason chuckled, and went for the kill; his mouth closing in on Riki's chest, nibbling and sucking.

"No..." panted the aroused pet, "St...stop...."

"Stop what?" Iason looked into his pet's desire filled eyes, and smirked, "Not yet, not yet."

"Fuck it, Iason!"

And that was then that Riki knew that dreams are just dreams, as his Blondie Master slowly teased him before relieving Riki of his need.

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