Tuesday 13 September 2011

Instinct and Survival

Over thrashing seas and clustering dark clouds, the setting sun pools blood red light over the beaten cliff. The waves thunder against the solid rock, white horses rearing in angry defiance over the aged rock, leaning like an old man, too proud to give in, just yet over the dark depths. As the waves pound away at the stubborn cliff, mighty roars can be heard from above.

Fangs and claws tear into fur, causing rivers of red to cascade over the pelt. The two creatures leap apart from one another, their yellow-green eyes staring at each other. The first, with numerous wounds to his golden sides, snarls, baring more of his deadly fangs to the black lion.

The black, with deep gashes to his face, torn skin dangling from his left eye, leaps, his eyes twinkling as he buries his teeth into the golden main protecting his enemy's neck. The gold twists and claws at the blacks' under belly with his front legs, his fangs scraping against the tough muscle of the black's shoulder. They both fall, twisting their bodies to get better advantages at one another's soft points.

The gold seizes a chance to rip at the black's soft stomach, only to have the black lunge for his exposed neck. The black succeeds and tears at the soft skin, blood squirting out across his face. The gold crys out in pain, before he starts to choke on his own blood.

The black backs away proudly, and soon his fur recedes and bones remold themselves to become of human form. Naked with dark bronzed skin, and short hair as black as darkeness itself, the man towers over the now human form of the gold. The gold is of pale skin, and long golden locks, stares unseeing with blue eyes towards the dipping sun.

"A bloody evening this was, but that is what is needed to bring about a new era. I shall now be the leader of the knights and shall rule accordingly. With you the past age now bleeding away, the remnents of your era will slowly ebb away like your blood leaving your body."

"You never had the instinct to realise that I was the one who would be your downfall. That is what is needed to survive in this world."

The blood sun is then swallowed up by the dark oceans, turning the starless sky dark immediately.

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