Thursday 3 November 2011

Pets from an Alien Race

This is an extract of my story which I wrote 2/3 years ago. Amazingly, it is slightly similar to another author's work. Take a read, and by the way, it is NEVER going to be completed.

09/11/11 - I've just got to say this, I've decided to continue writing this story. Because of the content and the audience age range, I have posted the story at my Live Journal account. This means that you'll have to go here: Live Journal Account I'm also nice, so this link opens in a new page! hee hee!

Pets of an alien race


It was the year 4378. Humans had finally succeeded in breaking the boundaries of space and could travel to various planets far more easily than in the 20th Century, where fundings were limited to flight schedules. The Earth however, was stricken with war; blood being spilt nearly everyday in the vaccuum of space. All for the protection of man kind.

Only 10 years before, something happened which was only thought of in stories and fiction; an alien race appeared on the human radar. The aliens were of hunam form and resembled very handsome beings of Earth. The main chracteristic of these beings were their blonde hair and blue eyes - and not to mention them being a goof 2ft higher than the average height of a human. At first, the humans were welcoming of these humaniode beings until it became clear that these beings were looking for more planets to conquer; Earth being first on the list.

Naturally, the humans fought back, utilising the technology which had evolved from over the years. The technology had finally advance to the use of large machines resembling a robotic being - Closest described as a Tranformer from the 21st Century Feature Film . Also, the use of touch screen computers and holograms were made into reality along with pocket sized computers.
So, in the year 4373, the first squad of Earth attacked the alien race. The battles were short and only few were killed on either side; both focusing on more showing their power and ability. It was tiresome for both sides as neither side showed any signs of giving up. The First squad were the elite and the only ones brave enough to attack the alien race.

They were lead by the commander; Riki. Riki was followed by his son, Carl, good friend Bree and his two twin Body guards; David and Peter. Riki was charismatic along with Carl who was 16. Bree was very beautiful with long blonde curly hair; considered as the female of the group, much to his complaints. Bree was very skilled in the use of technolgy and could hot wire any piece of technolgy after a few clicks of his laptop. David and Peter could only be described as two identical angelic like men who cared for the trio like family, even though they were hired to protect the commander and his crew in times of danger.

These five were well known throughout Earthians and among the aliens; respected and admired by both ally and enemy.

However, in 4375 the first squad went into battle to never return again. Shocked by this, the Humans tried negotiating with the Blondies (the name given to the aliens) however, it was too late. The Blondies had already disposed of the squad on the Earth's Moon. Although the humans accepted the death of the whole squad - some still wonder what happed to the five bodies which were not recovered among the dead.

The deaths had stunned the humans into being more ruthless and brutal in their attacks until in 4377, a small truce brought about the prisoner of war law which forced both sides to keep their hostages alive for future negotiations.

Now this is where this story begins, in 4378, when the hostages kept in the Blondie's prison learn of a horrifying secret...


"Dirty things these HUMANS" grumbled an Blondie guard, "Why do we have to look after them?" He moaned to his companion who just shook his head.

"They are the tools of negotiation only, so we should look after them - not like what happened with the first lot we captured." The second Blondie grinned, "But looks like you'll find this to your liking since it seems you don't already know."


The alien smirked, his blue eyes dancing with amusement, "Sir Raoul has lost interest in his pets and has given them to the Sir Iason. And he has put the pets to use here as caretakers of the captives."

The first guard let out a low whistle, "But what if they rebel? They may be trained, but..." his voice trailed off.

"I highly doubt that the Pets will try to communicate with the humans, they aren't humans themselves. So it would be unlikely that they will try to cause any problems, especially since the leopard is now very docile and won't attack more."

The first guard laughed, "That beast finally learned who was boss, huh? Well then, I guess the two Cats followed suit then?"

"Slowly at first, but now all five are obedient to us. So, be at ease, we'll soon be relieved of this mundane task."

The first guard sighed, "Good."

As the two guards conversed, the human captives quaked in fear...a leopard? Cats? What on Earth or Space are they speaking of? Code names? Obedient to only the Blondies?

"I think we're in for something," whispered a young youth to his friend, "It sounds like we're getting some new guards...five of them."

The youth's friend shifted uneasily, "Five...that's three more than than the usual amount of guards. Brad, be careful eavesdropping on them though."

Brad grinned, "I am, besides, it sounds like we're getting some guard who are Pets of the Blondie
Raoul. I didn't know they had Pets...wonder what kind of aliens they are."
"Most likely some servants, I doubt Pets can do a decent job."

Brad nodded, "yeah...animals are too dumb to talk anyway. Those two said that they will try not to talk to us, so maybe its just some lowly Blondie pets whom Iason didn't really want."


In the morning of the next day, the two guards laughed and joked with one another, as five cloaked figures entered the great hall. Two were extremely tall and broad. One was oddly shaped, like he was walking hunched over several times over, the other two normal human height of young men; except one being broader shouldered than the other. The guards saw them enter, as did the captives. The low mutterings of the room became silent as the two guards, shoved two clipboards at the taller two.

"You've done work like this before, right? Just feed and clean them out like normal prisoners of war."

"We know what to do, Great Sirs," answered one of the taller figures, flipping through the papers, "And where will we be staying, Great Sirs?"

"There's some cots in the office over there, " Indicated one of the guards, "There is food and water available to you as well, but keep within the budget."

The two taller ones nodded, "We understand, Great Sirs."

The two guards quickly reviewed the instructions, then quickly hurried out of the hal. Eager to leave the job to them. Once the Blondies were out of sight and earshot, the five figures visibly relaxed.

"Thought those aliens would never leave." muttered one loudly to the other, "Oi, Kitty! Go count up how many we have to care for while I settle Leo and Pony in the office. Puppy! Help out Kitty."

"WHAT!" exclaimed the smallest one, "Why should I help Kitty! I'd rather help Pony and Leo, with you, Katty! And stop calling me Puppy! It's Wolf!"

The deformed one placed a hand on Puppy's shoulder, "You're still a Puppy to us old ones. Go on. I'll be fine with Leo and Katty."

Puppy sighed and followed Kitty.

The others disappeared into the office.

"It's awefully quiet here...and hot!" Sighed Puppy, "Hey! You lot can talk you know! We aren't gonna tell on you for chatting!" he yelled at the prisoner cells.

Silence greeted him.

Brad grinned an leaned against the bars, "So if I say that your leader is crap, you're not gonna tell are ya?"

Several gasps came from the other cells.

Puppy turned and raced straight to Brad's cell, "Depends who you think our leader is."

"Its not the Blondies?" Brad asked, taken back.

"Those pigs? Never would we accpet them as Masters, well..." There was some contempt in the cloaked person's voice, "Lets just say we obey."

"Oi! Puppy! Get to work and help out!" Kitty called from further down the hall.

"Oops, gotta run! See you..." He hesitated for a moment, "Well see ya!" And with that he turned and started to run off.

Brad reached out and grabbed the cloak, "Its Brad." As he said that, the cloak pulled away from Puppy. Brad Stared in shock as Puppy froze looking at him, like a deer caught in the headlights.

On Puppy's head were two pointed dog ears matching his brown long hair, which was combed straight. His face was human like, with soft brown eyes, except for two fangs visble on his lips. When their eyes met one another, Puppy raced forward to grab the cloak. As he bent for it, Brad noticed the fluffy wolf like tail wag in the air.

"What are you?" Brad choked out, pulling the cloak within his cell. Puppy looked at him, fear in his eyes, pleading...for what?

"A freak, now please," he whispered, reaching for the tattered cloak. Brad released the cloak, allowing Puppy to snatch the cloth abd wrap it around his body.

Kittty appeared beside him, strking his head. As Puppy scurried away, Kitty looked at Brad from beneath his cloak, "Don't say another word." He warned.

Brad nodded. The other prisoners kept their mouths shut and stared in silence.

Kitty pulled his cloak off, "Listen! All of you! We are the Pets of Blondies. Do not try us! I am Kitty! Katty will also be helping me with caring fo you. The other three are just here! Leave them be." Brad stared at Kitty, seeing a cat stare right back at him. He had feline features, sharp cat like eyes, and dark brown hair reaching to his waist. On the top of his head were two cat like ears.

The prisoners watched in silence so silent that a pin drop on the planet neptune could heard.

Kitty then padded down the hall, continuing to count the cells.

Soon there was a low humming as people conversed with one another about the Pets. Brad leaned back against the bars, his companion shook his head.

"You pushed your nose into somewhere unwanted again, Brad. That's how you were caught by the Blondies."

Brad rested his chin against his fist, "Freak, thats what he called himself. And that Cat...Pets..." he mumbled to himself, "So that's what they mean't. Actual Pets...Wonder which planet they came from." A glint showed in his eyes. "Maybe, just maybe, they can help us get out of here

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