Tuesday 24 January 2012

Thougts on Law

My ponderings on "Law"
What is law?
Law is the structure which keeps the world moving round, albeit not as peacefully as some would like. We all live by a law of some kind, every living thing has their own law.

“Survival of the fittest” is law placed on the animal kingdom and plant kingdom. Those who are strong survive. Those who adapt survive. It is the same in the human world, those who have money, survive, those who are clever survive. Those who have nothing, struggle to survive.

A law can also be the laws placed down by a government, a lord, a king, a tyrant, a mother. Seeded into all our minds is a law. Be it never hurt an innocent, protect your body and soul, never kill a person, treat others with respect etc. But laws can be broken or ignored. Breaking a law results in being punished by another law. “T'is the Law”
Strange that we make laws, but some laws are for security, protection and equality.
But some are made to hurt and cause pain.

Who should decide what is law?

Darwin named the law of nature.
Parliament makes law in Enland.
The President decides the law in America.
A mother makes a law in her home.
Nature makes her own law.

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